Stop the Hate

1 minute read

Our hearts are with the families and friends of the victims of violence in Atlanta and Boulder. The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits condemns this hate and racism, and acknowledges these appalling events are not merely singular acts. Deep racial injustices continue unabated and not just within Asian American communities. The Center is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and we call on our nonprofit community – here in North Carolina and across the country – to use our collective humanity, voice, and strength to dismantle systemic racism and oppression.

Our sister association, Nonprofit New York, shares anti-racist actions we can all do:

  • Educate yourself on what is happening in our state and across the country; 
  • Share what you are learning with your networks and retweet it at elected officials; 
  • If you see something then document it; and,
  • Donate to, volunteer with, and support Asian-led, Asian-focused organizations and BIPOC-led and racial justice organizations.

Let us build just communities where we are all treated with dignity and respect.


Additional Resources

North Carolina Asian Americans Together – anti-racism resources and bias reporting

Anti-Asian Violence Resources – resources to help people educate others, take action, donate and more

hollaback! – training and programs to end harassment

Equality NC – anti-racism resources, education, and organizations

National Council of Nonprofits – Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter for Nonprofits

Communications Network – anti-racism communications resources, tools, and guidance

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion