These on-demand learning opportunities from Center partners allow nonprofit leaders to learn when it's convenient for you and at your own pace.
The Ultimate Grant Proposal Blueprint: Your Step-By-Step Roadmap and Build-It-Yourself Toolkit for Crafting an A+ Proposal
Enroll at any time - 8-session self-paced online program
In this comprehensive, on-your-own-schedule video-based program from GrantsMagic U, veteran grant writer, grant consultant, and grantmaker Maryn Boess pulls back the curtain on what it really takes to be successful in the grants world and shares hundreds of tried-and-tested tools, strategies, how-to's and "insider's tips" to take you to your next level of grants success no matter where you're starting out.
The Trainer Academy
Enroll at any time - 16 session self-paced online program
The Trainer Academy is an on-demand course that gives you the knowledge, skills, and tools you need to be an effective trainer, both in-person and online. You will learn how to design an effective workshop and how to deliver that workshop in a way that maximizes participation. You will end the series ready to deliver an effective learning experience that helps people transfer what they learn back into their work. Members of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits save 10% on registration; contact us for the discount code.