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Center Event
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Free Event

Icon indicates event hosted by the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

Tue 30
During this interactive and fun session, attendees will learn how nonprofits can engage in elections to advance your organization’s mission – and specific ways you can ensure those who govern our cities, counties, states, and nation understand how they can positively impact those you serve.
Tue 30
See the new Nonprofit Voter Engagement Guide and learn why and how nonprofits should do nonpartisan voter engagement between now and Election Day.
Wed 31
This webinar is essential for anyone interested in understanding the pivotal role of technology in safeguarding democracy and maintaining a trustworthy and transparent election environment.
Thu 1
Discuss the 2024 marketing trends that will shape your nonprofit’s future and grow your impact.
Thu 1
Learn how AI can temporarily fill staffing gaps, acting as a virtual team member to support your human workforce whether in fundraising, marketing or admin.
Tue 6
Learning is better at the beach! This in-person program for accounting professionals provides learning and updates on econimic trends, tech, tax, fraud, audits, and personal development.
Wed 7
Learning is better at the beach! This in-person program for accounting professionals provides learning and updates on econimic trends, tech, tax, fraud, audits, and personal development.
Wed 7
Organizations struggling to engage and effectively manage governance volunteers often find that bringing them together to focus on planning and strategy helps get them moving in the right direction. If your Board is disengaged or they do not know what they should be doing, the workshop will show you how to empower your board and enhance your impact.
Thu 8
Learning is better at the beach! This in-person program for accounting professionals provides learning and updates on econimic trends, tech, tax, fraud, audits, and personal development.
Fri 9
Learning is better at the beach! This in-person program for accounting professionals provides learning and updates on econimic trends, tech, tax, fraud, audits, and personal development.


To submit events for the calendar, send us an email with the details of your event. Events accepted for publication must be professional development opportunities directed to a variety of nonprofit staff and board members.


DISCLAIMER:All third-party events listed in the Calendar section of this website are submitted by outside parties offering professional development opportunities to nonprofit organizations. The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits makes no representation about the accuracy of any information contained in these event posts and makes no recommendation or endorsement of any of the outside parties or the services they provide.