We're With You

2 minute read

We are being confronted by something so much bigger than ourselves. We are all being called upon to rise to do our very best. And we are rising to meet the need. The nonprofit sector is always front and center in times of disaster and challenges that face our communities. This time will be no different. Our sector faces into difficulties, not away from them.

The good news is that our philanthropic community is well aware of the challenges we are facing. Funders – public and private – are working together to deploy resources to us as fast as possible. Many are making current or restricted grants available for general operating support, encouraging us wherever possible to retain employees on our payroll, and supporting as needed in other ways.

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits is working for you to support and advocate for legislation at both the state and federal levels to assure that people come first, and that nonprofits are included in any supports they consider for other private, for-profit businesses. At many levels, the rally is to support our sector, recognizing the important role we play. This is because of the work you all do every day in the communities you serve, and the difference you always make.

A week ago, we released a survey on the impact of COVID-19 and within 48 hours, we received more than 400 responses. We heard you, and the responses tell your stories. We encourage every nonprofit to respond to this survey so it becomes a central information place to better analyze what is going on. We are sharing the data and stories with our public and private funding partners so they will know firsthand what our sector and individual organizations need.

We will keep this survey open with the intent that it evolves over time and helps us gauge the changes our sector is experiencing. We will continue to share information with funders and with all of you so that we can be fully informed across the sector.

We are working to make sure our Center is your "center," so that you will be able to access reliable and relevant information when you need it. While we may be working remotely, our days are filled – like many of yours – caring for family members, helping our children with homeschooling, juggling new schedules, often with longer days. We will try to respond as quickly as possible to your requests for information, and encourage peer support and resource sharing through Center Connect.

At times like these, the very best in all of us rises and our care for one another is paramount. The nonprofit sector is often the unsung hero in these times, always working in the background, helping to keep the safety net together. Know that we are aware of your critical place in the fabric of our communities and that we are advocating for you to be supported here and now, and into the future as we recover and rebuild.

We are with you, virtually connected!

Jeanne Tedrow

Jeanne C. Tedrow
President & CEO