Building Organizational Resilience

Be prepared for unexpected circumstances

Many nonprofit teams are not equipped to handle unexpected, chaotic, or emotionally-charged situations. The best remedy is to take steps that will help your team apply critical thinking skills to make the best possible decisions when facing unexpected circumstances beyond their control.

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits and Duke Energy partnered with the Nonprofit Risk Management Center to provide a free Toolkit for Building Organizational Resilience (download below) and four-part webinar series, Building Organizational Resilience, to help your nonprofit take the necessary steps to prepare for a crisis.


Webinar Series: Building Organizational Resilience

Teaming During an Epidemic: How to Keep Remote Teams Motivated, Engaged and Focused

Telework has been a reality for many nonprofits for quite some time. But until recently, remote workers comprised a small percentage of the workforce. In today’s world, the ability to mobilize a larger remote workforce is a key part of keeping a nonprofit up and running during a crisis. This webinar offers practical tips to inspire and build trust and meaningful connections among teams that are meeting online or by phone. Watch now.

Crisis Management: 5 Steps to Equip and Fortify Your Nonprofit to Thrive During a Crisis

Individuals on a nonprofit team are likely to cope and react differently to a crisis. For some, a crisis is a challenge to be conquered; they enjoy being tested, working under pressure, and the opportunity to experiment and innovate. For others, a crisis causes panic and decision paralysis; their short attention spans grow shorter and nerves are on edge. This webinar presents five strategies to equip your diverse team to weather an active or future crisis. Watch now.

Keep Calm and Carry On: Crisis Communications Tips and Strategies

Transparent communication is a value that many nonprofit teams value. In times of prosperity, calm teams have plenty of time to craft thoughtful messages to stakeholders. All bets are off in a crisis: the need to be transparent remains, but time is of the essence. This webinar explores practical tips and strategies to stay on message during a crisis and focus on the most important messages and most effective methods. Watch now.

Resilience and Resumption: What You Need to Know and Do to Get Ready for a New Normal

In the middle of a crisis, returning to “normal” feels far off. And after a mega-disruption such as COVID-19 or a devastating hurricane, many organizations need to envision a ‘new normal,’ as things will not be the way they once were. This webinar offers practical tips for getting ready for your nonprofit’s new normal. Learn what you can do today to create a path to your organization’s future. Watch now.

Funding and support for this webinar series provided by Duke Energy.

Toolkit for Building Organizational Resilience

This complimentary toolkit is filled with resources, activities, tips, and checklists to help your nonprofit plan, rebound, and recover from any crisis or disaster.

Download Toolkit

©2020 Nonprofit Risk Management Center and the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits. All rights reserved. Duplication and dissemination are not allowed without express written permission.
