Exhibit at Conference

The Nonprofit Marketplace showcases organizations that provide products and services to North Carolina's nonprofit sector — a $56 billion market. Exhibiting in the Nonprofit Marketplace at the Center's annual conference is an excellent way to present your services to nonprofit leaders from across the state. The 2024 Conference for North Carolina Nonprofits will be held in Research Triangle Park on October 22-23.

Please read our Exhibitor packet for the details of each package. Exhibit booths are Sold Out.

Booth PackagesPrice
Exhibit Booth Only
Sponsors and Sustainers save $200!
Exhibit Booth and Half-Page
Print Ad
Exhibit Booth, Half-Page Print Ad, and Business Finder Listing$1275


Questions about becoming an exhibitor? Contact Kim Neustrom to discuss the best option for you. Please note: Exhibitor packages do not include attendees' contact information.