P - Human Services

  • To provide home furnishings through case managed programs for those transitioning into stable housing.

  • To build bridges between transitioning immigrants and established residents through sharing, learning, and serving our community together while respecting cultural identities.

  • To minister to those who are lost.

  • To provide holistic, wraparound support services to women who are currently incarcerated or transitioning back into our community from prison.

  • To provide assistance to the members of the North Carolina National Guard and their families coping with unusual or unpreventable hardships.

  • To rescue, train and partner animals with veterans suffering from loneliness, depression, Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury and physical disabilities.

  • To reuse donated household furnishings to renew lives of participants referred from area programs who are recovering after homelessness, crisis or disaster.

  • Our services to those in need have become more meaningful, providing them with the opportunity to become self-sufficient and productive citizens. We have a very committed team, always striving in doing the best not only for our customers but for the mission that Telamon embraces in the different places we serve.
  • To enrich the lives of seniors; to support families caring for aging loved ones; to represent the community's commitment to its elders.

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