In the late 90's, many local citizens shared a dream to have a Greenway follow the Little Tennessee River through Franklin, NC. With County approval, Sally Kesler, a local advocate, knowledgeable botanist and naturalist was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the formation of a a non-profit corporation to assist the County in development, fund raising and stewardship of the Little Tennessee River Greenway.
In 2002, Friends of the Greenway, Inc. was registered with the State of North Carolina as a non-profit corporation. The organization had a vital part in the development of the Greenway and has contributed to improvements and repairs since the beginning. FROG is independent from the County and functions on memberships, donations, sponsors, and grants.
It's Mission is dedicated to:
- Working with local government in stewardship of the Little Tennessee River Greenway
- Serving the community by providing enhancements to the Greenway
- Fostering environmental awareness