Executive Transition

The Center has partnered with a group of Pro Bono Consultants who work on succession planning and executive transitions. This service is open to all Members, and a team of two (CEO and board chair, two board members) can work one-on-one with a consultant for up to one hour. The nonprofit completes a brief, confidential questionnaire before meeting with the consultant and receives information about practical resources to help them in this work. 

Examples of appropriate topics for the consultation include but are not limited to: 

  • key transition decisions to consider and pitfalls to avoid; 
  • the benefits of hiring an interim CEO; 
  • the advantages and disadvantages of working with a search firm; and 
  • the differences between a Transition Committee and a Search Committee. 

Our consultants are ready to help! If you’re not yet ready for a Pro Bono referral, find resources to help with succession planning in Information Central