Thanks for the Welcome

2 minute read

Jeanne Canina Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

“Welcome, welcome, welcome,” is what I heard as I travelled around the state to visit Members, boards of directors, supporters, and sustainers. During my first 90 days in my new role as President/CEO of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits, I wanted to visit as many of our Members' sites as possible, which have included Wilmington, Asheville, Charlotte, Blowing Rock, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Raleigh, and Durham. Consistently, I heard our Members talk about the value of the Center, and I recognized the great work being done locally and regionally. It was a listening and learning tour that affirmed what I already seemed to know: Nonprofits around the state are making a difference in their communities. We house people experiencing homelessness, counsel people who need financial assistance, revitalize homes and businesses in our neighborhoods, build housing for people of all income levels, provide health care, grow gardens, feed people experiencing hunger, and mentor children and families in after school and educational programs. Nonprofits are purpose-driven enterprises that bridge government and the private sector to fill needs that are not easily filled in the for-profit marketplace. We are often the first responders in our communities when a crisis hits, working alongside the public sector to make sure families and communities are offered the care they need. We bring voice to those who are often voiceless, and we offer creative and dynamic solutions to challenging and critical social issues. The Center has a wide and diverse membership across the state, and as the new person to my role, I had the benefit of meeting so many caring and competent nonprofit staff and volunteers. It has been affirming to go out to meet the daily heroes who often go unrecognized in their work.

As I finished these last 90+ days, our staff and board worked diligently together to complete an important strategic planning process. We reached out to many of our Members, constituents, supporters, and partners who shared constructive feedback on ways to grow our services and improve programs. We have been listening. We believe that we can both lead and work together to help build and sustain equitable and thriving communities, to advance the sector as a whole, and to advocate for key issues. The Center specifically seeks to innovate training, grow relevant services for our Members, and reach out across the state to initiate relationships and connections. The Center has a wide and diverse membership approaching 1,500 strong – we represent 100 counties, many missions, and are one voice – and invite all nonprofits to join and add strength to our voice.

As we begin the holiday season, let's take the time to enjoy our family and dear friends, and remember those who are in need of hope and encouragement. Let's help our communities with our time, talent, and treasure by supporting nonprofits that we believe are doing purposeful work and making a difference.

Very best wishes,
Jeanne Canina Tedrow

Organizational Development