Open Way Learning

Open Way Learning (OWL) is a 501(c)3 education nonprofit with a relentless focus on helping schools and other learning communities develop, sustain, and scale cultures of learner-centered innovation that better prepare students for the realities of the 4th Industrial Revolution, especially students historically furthest from opportunity.

Our mission is to co-design innovative school cultures
Our vision is that all learners can change their world. Innovative schools empower that change to happen, now!

The premise behind Open Way Learning’s work is based on three core beliefs and values:

1. Authentic innovation comes not from the traditional, inconsistent application of “buzzword strategies,” but when a learning community first attends to the difficult, but necessary development and the fostering of a school culture that allows continuous improvement and innovation to thrive.
2. Cultures of learner-centered innovation will thrive in schools that have the following four cha