Financial Management

  • Financial ratios are an established tool for businesses and nonprofits to understand an organization’s financial situation and help leaders identify strengths and weaknesses in financial condition. This tool provides calculation of 14 ratios, including a mix of balance sheet and income statement ratios. (Propel Nonprofits)

  • Reserve funds are becoming real necessities for most nonprofits. This article addresses the need for reserve funds and best practices.

  • Use these sample policies as a guideline to create an investment policy for your organization.

  • This sample is a starting point for designing your own budget. You may customize this sample budget to fit your organization's needs.


  • Sample reserve fund policy examples you can adapt for your organization provided by Propel Nonprofits.

    Operating Reserves with Nonprofit Policy Examples

  • A sample RFP for audit services that you can adapt for your organization.


  • Now that 990s are easily available online, smart managers and board members are paying extra attention to how they present their organizations on these forms. This article shares five tips for improving yours.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits,

  • This signature authority policy serves as a sample of the permission to execute transactions established by relevant policies and permission to approve transactions for execution.


  • One of the most important responsibilities of a nonprofit board is fiscal oversight. Yet many board members remain unclear about what exactly that means. Nonprofit Risk Management Center's webinar, Fiscal Oversight, Risk and the Nonprofit Board, explores the board’s role in providing fiscal oversight and risk oversight. Learn how to inspire your board to strengthen its governance practices.

  • Audits are getting more expensive. And it's not just the auditors whose hours are increasing. Staff's time on the audit has expanded as well. How can you ease the burden?

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits,


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