Financial Management

  • Sample of a one year comprehensive fundraising and development plan. Inlcudes setting goals for different types of revenue streams--e.g. foundation grants, annual individual giving, special events, merchandise sales, property rentals--to be raised by a Development Committee and other staff/board.


  • Jeanne Tedrow, President and CEO, of North Carolina Center for Nonprofits.

    Imagine a customer walking into a pizza shop to order a pizza, then only wanting to pay for the ingredients – flour, sauce, toppings, cheese. (See Pizza and a Laugh ‒ A Reminder about Your Nonprofit Financial Stress Level, Nonprofit Quarterly, December 18, 2018.)

  • "A broad economic crisis can magnify a nonprofit's pre-existing financial difficulties. Getting through such crises requires communication, transparency, and planning." (Nonprofit Finance Fund)  NFF recommends these tips for sound financial planning.  

  • An organization may be required to pay a tax on it's unrelated business income. This IRS article  on Unrelated Business Income Tax provides more information on the tax and contains a link to instructions on filling out Form 990-T. (IRS)

  • Explore the most environmentally friendly options for disposing of used computers- is it donation or recycling?  This guide will walk you through the top ten tips.  (TechSoup Global)

  • The Tax Guide for Churches & Religious Organizations serves as a reference for the federal tax laws as they apply to churches and religious organizations and any income sources that may be subject to taxation. (IRS, 2015)

  • Nonprofit Fraud: Tips for Spotting and Preventing It - "Thankfully, whether your nonprofit organization is large or small, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of fraud and to detect it if it occurs. In fact, some of the most effective anti-fraud controls are the least expensive to implement.

  • This publication covers the rules for organizations that are seeking exemption from federal income tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code and explains the procedures to follow in order to obtain the appropriate determination letter for an organization's status. (IRS)

  • Retention is your most important fundraising strategy, and your online donors are seriously at risk. Among all your donors, they are the least likely to renew their gifts – unless you take specific, creative steps to engage and thank them. This webinar will help you discover how to maximize the retention rates of your digital donors. We will examine the attributes of online donors, and outline the retention strategies that work best for this slice of your donor database.

    Watch now!


  • Donation of Intellectual Property: What Does it Look Like? - A four part series explaining the ends and outs of valuation and tax deductibility of donated intellectual property, e.g. copyrighted materials such as artwork, music compositions, software, etc. (Planned Giving Design Center, 2015)

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