
  • "So, what what do you do?" the VIP asks.  You've got a handful of minutes to pitch your nonprofit. What do you say? The Five Parts of the Perfect Pitch

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,

  • A case-study from storytelling expert Andy Goodman details which works more: stories or data?

  • The craft of direct mail fundraising grew out of what used to be called "direct mail marketing," best known to the general public as "junk mail" because all too often, it advertises goods or services the recipient has absolutely no interest in. Use these tactics to make an impact with your mail.

  • Measuring  economic impact is an often overlooked way to define, measure, and communicate your nonprofit's value. Economic Impact: A New Approach for Proving Outcomes (Stanford Social Innovative Review, 2015) explores how nonprofits can analyze the full scope of their economic contributions to better understand their impact and more successfully communicate their success to build on it moving forwa

  • Funding pitches need to excite, engage, and inspire a major donor to write the big check. Heather Yandow with Third Space Studio presented at a Center Conference these best-practice tips for creating the perfect major donor pitch.

  • AuctionPay's best practices guide for benefit events.

  • A planning guide for successful benefit auctions. (AuctionPay)

  • Explanation of qualified sponsorship payments that don't count as unrelated business income. (IRS)

    Publication 598 - Unrelated Trade or Business

  • Downloadable Excel workbook of a Sample Special Event Budget for planning every aspect of putting together a gala or other large fundraising event, such as catering, AV technology, insurance, speaker honorariums, professional photography, etc.

  • Do your responsibilities include accounting or fundraising (also known as development or fund development) for your nonprofit? Do you supervise the development and accounting work? These are two critical functions and successful collaboration between them is essential to every nonprofit’s success.

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