
  • Nonprofit United States Postal Service Marketing Mail Eligibility: Get information on eligibility for nonprofit postage rates and the application process for registering to receive nonprofit mail status when sending advertising mail / direct mail. (USPS)

  • Operating Reserves for Nonprofits - For seven consecutive years Nonprofit Finance Fund’s State of the Sector report revealed that less than 25% percent of those nonprofits responding had more than 6 months of cash in reserve. In fact the majority of the nonprofits responding reported that they had less than three months of operating reserves on hand.

  • An ages-old artform, storytelling is a powerful way to capture your audience's attention, whether they're donors, potential donors, grantmakers, media, policymakers, or prospective volunteers. Communications consultant, trainer, and speaker Andy Goodman offers ten "laws," or must-haves for good storytelling.

  • Most foundations and corporate funders require organizations to submit a project budget with their grant application. William A. Bayreuther Grantwriting has provided complementary samples of proposal budgets for a 1 year project, 2 year project and a capacity building request. (Maine Association of Nonprofits)

  • Eight questions to consider when selecting a Donor Management System (Network for Good) and the recording of Tech Impact's Selecting a Donor Management System. (Recursos disponibles en español.)


  • The Next Generation of Economic Development Tools: Community Development Corporations - In the wake of the elimination of redevelopment agencies, cities are seeking alternatives to help create jobs and revitalize neighborhoods.

  • Answers from the Secretary of State on Charitable Solicitation Licenses

    If your nonprofit's budget is over $25,000, you generally have to register with the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Division of the NC Secretary of State. All nonprofits should contact the Secretary of State to determine if you need to register for a Charitable Solicitation License or to apply for exemption from the license.


    Basic licensing information:

  • Healthy nonprofit organizations employ financial management practices that build stability and flexibility both today and in the future. In Nonprofit Finance: 12 Golden Rules, Propel Nonprofits sets out the twelve golden rules for nonprofit finance, including budgeting, diverse funding sources, and interdependence.

  • Top 5 Missteps to Endowment Management under UPMIFA - "UPMIFA completely overhauled the rules for managing donor-restricted endowments and the accounting standards were also updated in response. However, many organizations have still not realized that the rules have changed; they have continued to follow the principles of the old rules and may not even realize that they are out of compliance." (PBMares, 2021)

  • This piece is good to share with board members as a base of commonly understood information that will help them manage loans better against the blips, delays and growth tracks in nonprofit finance. 

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