Legal Compliance & Transparency

  • What Nonprofits Need to Know About Security: A Practical Guide to Managing Risk* provides succinct guidance on how to mitigate your nonprofit's risk exposure, implement basic protections, and build a culture that values security with firm policies in place to guide staff. It includes a staff security checklist, case studies of other nonprofits' experiences with cybersecurity, as well as a list of where to find additional resources. (TechImpact, 2021)

    Topics covered:

  • The Nonprofit Hiring Toolkit: How to find and hire the best talent gives a thorough outline of all stages of the hiring process, with tips for using social media to attract talent, sample interview questions, and the importance of employee agreements. The kit also has sample job descriptions for Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, plus various communications, development, and program positions. (

  • COGENCY GLOBAL* offers an on-demand webinar, Fundraising Compliance in the Digital Age, which gives an overview of the varying state charitable solicitation laws across the United States.

  • Marshall Whittey, Regional Sales Director, First Nonprofit

  • "Ransomware" refers to any virus or malware that maliciously encrypts your computer, data, or network to hold it hostage and bring your organization to a standstill until a ransom is paid. During these attacks, your systems display messages prompting users to pay or take other actions that further compromise your organization's security, while promising to allegedly allow you to regain control over your systems or retrieve your data.

  • The Society for Human Resources Management has compiled resources for Addressing Fears About Returning to the Workplace by employers handling situations where personnel express concerns about safely returning to the office after an extended period of time working remotely.

  • Anti-Discrimination Laws: North Carolina (Smith Anderson, 2020) is part of the Practical Law series by the Thomson Reuters company. It is a "Q&A guide to state anti-discrimination law for private employers in North Carolina. This Q&A addresses North Carolina laws prohibiting discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

  • The resell of donated property can be a valuable fundraising strategy. However, 501(c)(3) nonprofits should be aware that they may need to substantiate charitable contributions of donated property and properly report those activities to the IRS. Depending on the type of donated property or item, its assessed value, and what your organization intends to do with the donation, several IRS Forms may come into play. The resources below offer guidance on navigating these situations.

  • Age discrimination as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:

  • Nonprofit organizations must set clear rules and guidelines to ensure the safety and health of volunteers, employees, clients, and minors, as well as to protect company property. Depending on the nature of your nonprofit's work or mission area, you may need policies and procedure documents that vary on the scale of complexity. Below are example policies ranging from a few pages to full manuals.

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