Legal Compliance & Transparency

  • Last updated 9/17/2020

    Jaime Campbell, CPA, Tier One Services, LLC

    Auditing is an information service. As such, many forward-thinking auditors have already been working virtually for years, as evidenced by their vacation photos posted on Facebook while they were conducting “analytical procedures” from their laptops, which they bring with them everywhere, including the bathroom.

  • The CHS Alliance's 2015 HR Audit Handbook is "designed to assess the effectiveness of an organization’s human resources and people management policies and practices. Going through a HR audit enables the organization to identify areas for improvement and priority actions.

  • Presenter Michele Pratt, CLA, shared in-depth details about PPP loan forgiveness, including eligible costs, required documentation, who is eligible to use the EZ application, clarity on limits for both the 8- and 24-week periods, PPP Flexibility Act and the safe harbor date, and the impact on year-end financial statements. She also explored financial modeling, with discussion of the impacts from COVID-19, cash management and cash modeling, contingency plan considerations, and scenario planning.

  • In the middle of a crisis, returning to “normal” feels far off. And after a mega-disruption such as COVID-19 or a devastating hurricane, many organizations need to envision a ‘new normal,’ as things will not be the way they once were. This webinar offers practical tips for getting ready for your nonprofit’s new normal. Learn what you can do today to create a path to your organization’s future.

    Watch now!


  • Nonprofits can – and should – be advocates for their missions and for the communities they serve. This webinar will explore what it means for a nonprofit to be an advocate and the differences between “advocacy,” “lobbying,” and “political activities.” We will begin by highlighting – and quickly debunking – the four most common reasons nonprofits think they can’t (or shouldn’t) be advocates.

  • Start Planning Now (Again): What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About the (Latest) New FLSA Overtime Rule

    Updated: September 25, 2019

    Printable .pdf version

  • Whistleblower Protections in the Nonprofit Sector: To help ensure an open and ethical workplace, nonprofits can take a cue from the whistleblower provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

  • Is your nonprofit prepared for a natural disaster? Daniel Altenau of North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh shares key steps nonprofits can take to protect themselves from the next disaster and craft plans to assist survivors following the event. Working through questions to help identify actions during blue sky planning, pre-event preparedness, and post-event response, this webinar will help participants:

  • New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the team.

  • Family Forward NC created the Guide to Family Forward Workplaces to provide tools for employers of all sizes with practical tips for selecting and implementing 16 family-friendly workplace practices such as flexible scheduling, accommodations for pregnant workers, and paid parental leave.

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