Organizational Development

  • The Center developed a request for proposal for an executive search firm while conducting its executive search for its president & CEO. Use the Center's document as an example and adapt this template for your own.

  • The article, Rediagnosing “Founder’s Syndrome”: Moving Beyond Stereotypes to Improve Nonprofit Performance, from Nonprofit Quarterly diagnoses founder's syndrome and its four "symptoms", and explores how boards of directors can address and remedy symptoms for a mission-driven focus and approach.

  • Increasingly, nonprofits are turning to more flexible strategic frameworks instead of formal strategic plans to guide their board and staff. BoardSource's infographic, Nonprofit Strategy and Planning by the Numbers, outlines this evolution and describes different strategy and planning options, key qualities of strategic frameworks, and tips on how boards can monitor their progress towards organizational goals.

  • Effective Board Meetings for Good Governance: A compliation of resources to help you set the stage for meetings that are strategic, outcome-oriented, and productive. (National Council of Nonprofits)


    Conducting Meetings

  • One of the most effective and cost efficient ways to prevent intellectual, emotional, creative, and even physical burnout  is the sabbatical. Creative Disruption: Sabbaticals for Capacity Building & Leadership Development in the Nonprofit Sector reviews findings based on surveys of 61 sabbatical awardees and 30 interim leaders, interviews with program staff and awardees, and interviews with consultants and evaluators who support these programs.

  • 2020 statement of values and code of ethics for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations from Independent Sector.


  • The Annie E. Casey Foundation's report, Capturing the Power of Leadership Change: Using Executive Transition management to Strengthen Organizational Capacity, highlights the challenges associated with executive transitions and describes a model of executive management transition.

  • Boards are not — and should not — be static. To be effective, they must change and evolve as their organizations change and grow. Many years ago, Karl Mathiasen III wrote a paper for BoardSource in which he identified three different and quite distinct types of nonprofit boards that develop as their organizations grow and change, including

  • What Goes into a Board Manual? - The foundation of a committed, knowledgeable, and effective board is orientation and education. As an essential companion to orientation and education, every organization should have a thorough, easy-to-use manual that board members can use throughout their terms. (BoardSource)


  • Jeanne Canina Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    July 17, 2018

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