Risk Management

  • Candid (formerly GrantSpace) outlines the process and steps to create a business plan, which can help a nonprofit organization describe how it intends to implement its mission and achieve its set of goals. Additionally, the National Council for Nonprofits offers administration guides about Business Planning for Nonprofits.

  • Containing sensitive information such as identification papers and credentials, nonprofits' personnel records should be handled practically, legally, and securely.  Read this Common Ground article to learn what should and should not be in included in your personnel records.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits, www.ncnonprofits.org.

  • Consider these simple ways to keep your staff focused and positive.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits, www.ncnonprofits.org.


  • We are peppered with apologies from politicians, business people, and celebrities. Even TV journalism has one of its own stars apologizing profusely.

    Public apologies by famous people can be incomplete hedges designed to preserve the speaker’s status while admitting enough to make the inquiry go away. It rarely works because people don’t completely believe them. But, we can gain valuable insights by how famous people mishandle these things.

  • Employees in direct service organizations are often subject to compassion fatigue as a result of working in high-stress environments. This checklist can assist in determining if employees are suffering from compassion fatigue, burnout, or secondary traumatic stress. (Professional Quality of Life by B. Hudnall Stamm, 2009-2012)


  • Organizations can adapt one of these sample employee dating policies for their organizational personnel policies.

    Employee Relationships in the Workplace Policy (Workable)

    Sample Employee Dating Policy (Paycor)


  • If you are a new employer, or new to dealing with federal employment taxes, the first place to go for information is Publication 15, Employer’s Tax Guide (Circular E). This publication, revised annually, contains basic information employers need to collect information needed to determine and pay their and employees’ employment tax liability, file correct tax returns, and withhold federal taxes. (Internal Revenue Service)

  • Grievance Procedures and Internal Dispute Resolution - Rather than turning a deaf ear to complaints, nonprofits need to provide employees with a credible listener who will objectively review their grievance. Employees will feel fairly treated if they have had an opportunity to tell their story, and the nonprofit has the benefit of learning--outside of litigation--the details of the employee's concerns. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • Nonprofits compete with for-profit workplaces for talented workers, so setting the right level of compensation can make the difference between attracting and retaining qualified employees or, in contrast, suffering from high turnover and/or not being able to find the hoped-for caliber of employees. (National Council of Nonprofits) 

    Compensation For Nonprofit Employees

  • Identifies benefits that local governments receive from working with small community nonprofits, challenges that these nonprofits often face in developing internal strength, reasons that governments help address these challenges, and strategies that governments use to provide such assistance. (UNC School of Government, 2005)


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