Risk Management

  • While many nonprofits are dependent on their volunteer workforce, they should still do their due diligence and take risk management precautions during the volunteer recruitment process, as described in How to Write a Volunteer Application to Protect Your Charity. (Balance Careers - Small Business, 2020)


    Sample Volunteer Applications

  • Trust, But Verify: Why Volunteer Screening is So Important - In case you’re still not sold on the concept of screening volunteers, here are specific reasons about why you should. In a nutshell, it all comes down to managing risk for your organization. (GuideStar/Candid + Volunteer Hub)


  • Sample "Waiver of Liability for Minors" to be edited to fit your organization's needs when hosting volunteers 17 years and under. (National Council of Nonprofits)


    See also: The Hows and Whys of Volunteer Waivers


  • Sample "Waiver of Liability" to be edited to fit your organization's needs. (National Council of Nonprofits)


    See also: The Hows and Whys of Volunteer Waivers


  • Sample Confidentiality Agreement for Board and Staff Members during an executive search (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)

  • Criminal history background checks are a single tool in a toolbox of screening tools that nonprofit leaders should consider. Certain positions in a nonprofit may warrant the use of one combination of screening tools that looks quite different from the combination used for other positions. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • When an organization seriously considers dissolving – whether voluntarily or involuntarily – it’s a difficult and complex process. Nonprofit Dissolution: What to Do When Closing the Doors (Nonprofit Quarterly) outlines the steps and tasks involved in dissolving a nonprofit with honor and integrity.

  • Dissolving a nonprofit organization can be a difficult and emotional process, but there are steps you can take to ensure that the process of winding down your nonprofit is as smooth as possible (National Council of Nonprofits).

  • Some of the “truths” about black holes are eerily similar of the traits of “dark risks”‒ the controversial risks that cause many nonprofit leaders to look away. This Common Ground article, 9 Truths about Black Holes and Dark Risks, outlines the dark risks and strategies to shed light on them.

  • Finding quality images to use in your nonprofit's marketing or fundrasing materials is made easier by snapping your own shots. However, it's important to get permission before using your constituent's image (photo and video) or testimonial in your own marketing. This resource provides a sample policy you may adapt for your organization.

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