Risk Management

  • Your All-In-One Guide to Improving Your Security Posture provided by MDcentric Technologies helps your organization asses your cybersecurity risk from an outsiders perspective; evaluate your current security architecture; and educate your staff on cyberthreats such as hacking, identity theft, and malware.


  • Two templates provided by FEMA – Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan and Continuity Plan Template and Instructions for Non-Federal Entities and Community Based Organizations – help guide your staff in preparing for disasters such that, should an interruption occur, your organizatio

  • The Successful Nonprofits podcast has a catalog of episodes that focus on a wide range of topics, including managing your board, maximizing use of technology, mitigating risk, nonprofit law, promoting diversity and inclusion, and so on. Each episode is a conversation with one nonprofit expert and the podcast is available for listening on multiple platforms.


  • Start Planning Now (Again): What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About the (Latest) New FLSA Overtime Rule

    Updated: September 25, 2019

    Printable .pdf version

  • The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits is among 65 grant recipients selected by Duke Energy to help North Carolina communities increase their response capabilities for future weather events with advance preparation and planning.
  • Whistleblower Protections in the Nonprofit Sector: To help ensure an open and ethical workplace, nonprofits can take a cue from the whistleblower provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

  • Is your nonprofit prepared for a natural disaster? Daniel Altenau of North Carolina Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster and Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Raleigh shares key steps nonprofits can take to protect themselves from the next disaster and craft plans to assist survivors following the event. Working through questions to help identify actions during blue sky planning, pre-event preparedness, and post-event response, this webinar will help participants:

  • To Speak or Not to Speak: Should Executive Directors Respond to Social and Politicized Events? 

    By Jada Monica Drew, Social Designs

  • During our time on part 2 of the webinar series, participants will have the opportunity to take a "deeper dive" in exploring more intimately the extent to which white dominant cultural tendencies have been internalized and operationalized within organizations and the role that gatekeepers have in perpetuating or disrupting patterns of exclusionary and non-inclusive practices and policies.

  • The General Data Protection Regulation–commonly referred to as GDPR–is a privacy law pertaining to the collection of online data enacted by the European Union (EU) that took effect May 25, 2018. The law affects organizations regardless of geographic location, since EU residents may visit the websites of governments, private companies, nonprofits, or other organizations providing goods and services, and those websites likely collect and analyze online data related to those website visitors originating in the EU (regardless of whether a transaction occurred).

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