Strategic Communication

  • The Common Ground article, You Can Succeed in Public Relations without a Full-Time Professional, offers tips to help your organization do effective PR without a full-time professional.


  • An ages-old artform, storytelling is a powerful way to capture your audience's attention, whether they're donors, potential donors, grantmakers, media, policymakers, or prospective volunteers. Communications consultant, trainer, and speaker Andy Goodman offers ten "laws," or must-haves for good storytelling.

  • Supporting the Messengers of Change: Grantee Communications Assessment Report to the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation details the findings and conclusions of a study of the strategic communications capacity, challenges, and needs of 38 policy grantees, with the understanding that this capacity is closely tied to their effectiveness as advocates for policies that move people and places out of poverty.


  • Improve the effectiveness of your e-newsletter with these 11 tips from Common Ground.


  • A comprehensive advocacy strategy includes communications with government officials, the public, and the media. Develop your nonprofit's media advocacy plan by using this checklist.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits,


  • Now that 990s are easily available online, smart managers and board members are paying extra attention to how they present their organizations on these forms. This article shares five tips for improving yours.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits,

  • Is it really possible to communicate effectively about our work or issues in a short time, like a minute? The answer is yes! With practice and an innovative tool – the "10 in 60 Community Rap" – you can become an effective, confident presenter.

  • How can nonprofit boards unite their diverse personal views on complex policy issues and arrive at strong organizational positions?

  • What should a board do once it suspects or has discovered evidence of embezzlement? Clifford Perlman details the responsibilities of the board when funds go missing. (Nonprofit Quarterly)

    When Funds Go Missing, What Can You Do? What Must You Do?

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