Succession Planning

  • During our time, participants will explore the concept of whiteness by way of the socio-political and historical contexts by which whiteness, and therefore the white dominant culture by which most nonprofits operate, was constructed and has been upheld through policy, legal decisions, and Eurocentric cultural values.

  • Join the Center and presenter Tema Okun to ground ourselves in a shared understanding of what white supremacy culture is and how it manifests in our organizations so we are better positioned to challenge it. We’ll examine how we are navigating white supremacy culture personally, in our nonprofits, and in our communities, and define our stake in dismantling white supremacy culture as we envision a transformative way of being and doing in the world.

    Watch now!

  • Indicators of Financial Crisis - "We all know that a stressed organization operating with the best of intentions can still make ill-advised decisions, especially in the financial arena – and the results can be damaging. We also know that sometimes seeing a financial crisis is difficult. We want to make it easier so you can recover faster. And we want you to see the challenges before you end up in crisis." (The Foraker Group)

  • Executive directors sit in a unique position of authority and leadership, directing a staff while also answering to a board of directors. Effective executives learn to see their board as partner rather than boss. They also engage and mobilize their board to do high-priority work that benefits the organization. Join the Center and Third Space Studio for this webinar to explore some of the habits and mindsets that executive directors can use to create a strong sense of shared leadership with the board.

  • “Red folders” are a simple risk management tool that can go a long way. Call a red folder day for everyone on staff – including the CEO. The assignment is for everyone to use no more than two pages to sum up their key activities. It may include a list sorted by daily, monthly, or quarterly tasks or it may make more sense to organize the list by type of duty. It depends on the role, so let people have some flexibility.

    Red Folders: A Simple Risk Management Tool

  • Jeanne Canina Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Even with a clear fundraising plan in place, nonprofits sometimes can find themselves temporarily short of cash, due to unforeseen circumstances like disasters or delays in payments. The Foundation Center does not provide grants, recommend specific funders, or approach them on your behalf, but they can point you to resources to find possible funders and useful advice. (Grantspace)

  • Sabbaticals can be a win-win for your organization and everyone in it. Sabbaticals Help Keep Good Executives offers lessons and advice from nonprofit leaders who have taken sabbaticals. (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)

  • This BoardSource blog post tackles the issue of proactive succession planning. Learn more about the board's role in preparation, leader development, and planning for the future of your organization.

  • Key Transition Decisions to Consider and to Avoid (Raffa, formerly TransitionGuides) is a checklist to minimizing the risk and upheaval of a leadership transition and increasing organizational capacity and effectiveness.


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