Succession Planning

  • The article, Where to Start? Priorities for a New Director, shares lessons learned about how a new executive can get off to a positive start. (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)


  • Research suggests that a skilled interim executive director (ED) helps nonprofits to emerge stronger, more fiscally sound, and with higher levels of optimism.  Learn how an interim ED can lay the groundwork for the next leader's success.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,

  • As the Baby Boomers edge into their 50s and 60s, nonprofit organizations will soon be making room for a new generation of leaders. Not only should organizations consider the generational differences that will impact leadership styles, but also consider that members of Generation X, now in their 20s and 30s, are a dramatically smaller group than the Baby Boom generation. Up Next: Generation Change and the Leadership of Nonprofit Organizations (The Annie E.

  • The guide, videos, and tools within the Nonprofit Leadership Development Toolkit are designed to share stories, lessons, and immediately actionable next steps so that you can effectively work with your senior leadership team to develop the next generation of leaders for your organization. (The Bridgespan Group, 2013-2023)

  • Critical to succession planning and organizational resilience are systems that support skills development for board and staff. Presented here are the elements of a robust talent development culture. (CompassPoint)


  • The P's and Q's of Performance Reviews presentation and workbook covers the components of an effective performance review, factors to evaluate performance, how to differentiate performance levels, steps involved in conducting a performance appraisal discussion, and how to create an appropriate and effective development p

  • Capacity building is not just about the capacity of a nonprofit today -- it's about the nonprofit’s ability to deliver its mission effectively now, and in the future. Capacity building is an investment in the effectiveness and future sustainability of a nonprofit. (National Council of Nonprofits)

    What is Capacity Building?

  • The Nonprofit Executive Succession Planning Toolkit (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City) provides a resource for nonprofit boards of directors and executive leaders to develop an effective succession plan tailored to their organization’s needs, including:

  • A sample succession plan in case your organization should be faced with an emergency situation. (Center for Nonprofit Advancement)

  • The Center developed a request for proposal for an executive search firm while conducting its executive search for its president & CEO. Use the Center's document as an example and adapt this template for your own.

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