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Comments on IRS Proposed Rules on Political Activity by 501(c)(4) Organizations

Date posted: 11/27/2017

The Center has submitted comments asking the Internal Revenue Service and the Treasury Department to develop rules that will preserve the rights of 501(c)(3) nonprofits to engage in nonpartisan civic engagement.  The Center’s comments are in response to proposed regulations on political activity by 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations.  The confusing language of the proposal would likely discourage foundations from su

State Budget 2016

Date posted: 11/22/2017


On May 19, the House of Representatives gave final approval to its version of the state budget (H.B. 1030) for FY 2016-17. Overall, the House budget, which passed with a 103-12 vote, would maintain or increase most state funding for nonprofits. Some highlights for nonprofits include:

State Budget 2017

Date posted: 11/22/2017


The N.C. General Assembly has approved the state budget for FY2017-18.

The Center has prepared a chart comparing a variety of issues affecting nonprofits in the House and Senate budget proposals and the final budget.