Resource Library

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Key Financial Statements 

This guide for boards of directors introduces the two most important financial documents - the balance sheet and income statement - that help board members meet their fiduciary responsibilities.

Ready to Lead? Next Generation Leaders Speak Out 

Those who care about the health of the charitable sector—those who believe, as we do, that strong nonprofit leaders are the best predictors of organizational success—can draw both warning and inspiration from the results of this national study produced in partnership by CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Meyer Foundation, and

Will We Get There Hire by Hire? 

"We haven’t confronted this elephant in the room: If few people of color want to lead your staff or serve on your board despite the fact that you work in and with communities of color, it is entirely likely that people of color don’t see your organization as a place through which to make social change."

Race Matters, User Guide 

Tools to help organizations understand how racism operates to create disparities that are often maintained inadvertently through policies and practices that contain barriers to opportunity. Provides examples of how to close equity gaps by using strategies determined through an intentional focus on race.

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Toolkit 

The Nonprofit Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Assessment is designed to help nonprofit organizations assess their capacity and progress in demonstrating best practices in diversity, inclusion and equity. The underlying assumption of this assessment is that all organizations will move back and forth along a continuum of best practices. The framework and the descriptions in the grid were developed based on the input of nonprofit experts and practitioners, literature regarding best practices, and the collective experience of the framing partners
lifecycle and journey towards building and sustaining a diverse, inclusive and equitable
organization. Furthermore, the results of the exercise should be interpreted in the context of the
organization’s stage of development, level of capacity, geographic region, mission area, and

Executive Compensation Policies 

The board of directors is responsible for hiring, and establishing the compensation (salary and benefits) of the executive director/CEO by identifying compensation that is "reasonable and not excessive," but that also is attractive enough to retain the best possible talent to lead the organization. The recommended process for determining this is explained in this National Council article.