
  • Each nonprofit organization has different needs. What Basic Insurance Coverage Should a Nonprofit Consider? outlines the types of insurance appropriate for nonprofits and how nonprofit staff and board teams can determine the best options for their orgranization's needs.

  • The Nonprofit Radio Show - Hosts Nancy Bacon and Sarah Brooks created a podcast aimed at board or staff members of small nonprofits. Each episode has a corresponding webpage with the recording, topic description, plus reflection and discussion questions for the listener and their team.


  • Kathy Ridge, Founder and CEO, LevRidge Resources, LLC

    We now know a single vaccine will not instantly obliterate the COVID virus. Instead, we must depend on personal behaviors, along with contact tracing and vaccines, to decrease infection rates. As organizations face an unknown future, how do we plan, prepare, and organize for the ‘lost horizon’ that is 2021 and the post-virus world?

    You don’t need a new strategic plan – you need a short-term business plan based on what you do know to get through the next 18 months and develop more resiliency.

  • Even with a clear fundraising plan in place, nonprofits sometimes can find themselves temporarily short of cash, due to unforeseen circumstances like disasters or delays in payments. The Foundation Center does not provide grants, recommend specific funders, or approach them on your behalf, but they can point you to resources to find possible funders and useful advice. (Grantspace)

  • To find the right firm for your search, you must consider a number of factors. This article shares what actions should be taken prior to selecting and engaging with a search firm. (The Bridgespan Group)

    A Nonprofit Organization's Guide to Engaging an Executive Search Firm

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