crisis management

  • The Nonprofit Risk Management Center has simplified risk management planning with three versions of worksheets for organizations to identify their risks, assess how these risks will affect operations and your organizational readiness, and create action plans to address or mitigate risks.

  • These six resilience tactics and strategies can help organizations prepare for any disruption or crisis
  • A business impact analysis (BIA) is often a key component of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP). A BIA identifies the impact of downtime for various activities and processes. Your BIA should help you determine which functions must continue without interruption, which can be scaled back or shuttered temporarily, and the desired timeframe for recovery and restoration.

    This Business Impact Analysis Worksheet is a fillable template from Nonprofit Risk Management Center.

  • Lisa Cook, founder of the consulting firm "Get On Board Australia," hosts the Board Shorts podcast--designed to help listeners understand board governance in 30-minute conversations. The podcast is oriented towards helping executives learn about their roles and responsibilities, how to lead a team of volunteers, and what makes a good board member.

  • Your nonprofit's response to a crisis or bad publicity greatly affects your organization's reputation. Use this sample nonprofit crisis communications plan template to ensure that you respond promptly, accurately and confidently during an emergency, and in the hours and days that follow that crisis. (Bloomerang, 2016)

  • Bellwether Education Partners' COVID-19 Strategic Planning Toolkit for Education & Nonprofit Leaders is an easy-to-use resource that aids leaders in making rapid decisions and actionable plans during the global COVID pandemic.

  • In the middle of a crisis, returning to “normal” feels far off. And after a mega-disruption such as COVID-19 or a devastating hurricane, many organizations need to envision a ‘new normal,’ as things will not be the way they once were. This webinar offers practical tips for getting ready for your nonprofit’s new normal. Learn what you can do today to create a path to your organization’s future.

    Watch now!


  • Transparent communication is a value that many nonprofit teams value. In times of prosperity, calm teams have plenty of time to craft thoughtful messages to stakeholders. All bets are off in a crisis: the need to be transparent remains, but time is of the essence. This webinar explores practical tips and strategies to stay on message during a crisis and focus on the most important messages and most effective methods.

  • Individuals on a nonprofit team are likely to cope and react differently to a crisis. For some, a crisis is a challenge to be conquered; they enjoy being tested, working under pressure, and the opportunity to experiment and innovate. For others, a crisis causes panic and decision paralysis; their short attention spans grow shorter and nerves are on edge. This webinar presents five strategies to equip your diverse team to weather an active or future crisis.

  • Update as of March 16, 2020: In response to COVID-19, many of our Center staff will be working remotely. We will try to maintain a high level of service but appreciate your patience if it takes us some extra time to respond. During this period, email is the best way to reach us, many resources are available on our website, and we’ll post updates on Twitter and Facebook.

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