
  • Bellwether Education Partners' COVID-19 Strategic Planning Toolkit for Education & Nonprofit Leaders is an easy-to-use resource that aids leaders in making rapid decisions and actionable plans during the global COVID pandemic.

  • To Speak or Not to Speak: Should Executive Directors Respond to Social and Politicized Events? 

    By Jada Monica Drew, Social Designs

  • Indicators of Financial Crisis - "We all know that a stressed organization operating with the best of intentions can still make ill-advised decisions, especially in the financial arena – and the results can be damaging. We also know that sometimes seeing a financial crisis is difficult. We want to make it easier so you can recover faster. And we want you to see the challenges before you end up in crisis." (The Foraker Group)

  • Total cost of ownership (TOC) over the lifecycle of IT projects like buying new software can be a very tricky thing to calculate. This is especially due to a project's costs going beyond tangible aspects of installing new software and into common implementation challenges such as staff adoption of the technology.

  • To pick the right board chair in the first place, you have to have a good job description and a clear articulation of needed skills and behaviors. This Nonprofit Quarterly article breaks down the role of board chair and how the position differs from the rest of the board.

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