Financial reporting

  • What does your organization’s current financial close process look like? Whether you scramble every month or feel like things run smoothly, it’s helpful to pay attention to certain key areas.

  • Internal Controls to Help Deter Fraud is a video in the Nonprofit Accounting Basics educational webinar series, where CPA Shawn Miller (Calibre CPA Group) discusses the relationship between weak financial oversight and fraud, as well as deterrence and detection through strong internal controls. (

  • An organizational fraud policy facilitates the development of controls to help detect and prevent fraud against your organization. It promotes consistent organizational behavior by providing guidelines and assigning responsibility for the development of controls and the conduct of investigations. Customize this sample fraud policy to adopt these practices at your organization.

  • From the Nonprofit Quarterly, this guide is a summary of the eight key business principles that should guide financial leadership practice.

    An Executive Director’s Guide to Financial Leadership

  • Investing for Impact: Indirect Costs Are Essential for Success addresses how governments that hire charitable nonprofits to deliver services and then reimburse them for less than reasonable indirect costs undermine the ability of nonprofits to deliver high quality services. (National Council of Nonprofits)

  • Establishing good fiscal policies and procedures is more of an investment of time and attention than money. There is no “one size fits all” template that will work for all organizations. This guide offers a recommended structure for policies and procedures as well as some questions to guide you in considering what is best for your organization. (CompassPoint, 2012) 

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