
  • The Nonprofit Association of Oregon's Equity & Inclusion Lens Guide helps you: 1) Consider your diversity; 2) Check your assumptions; 3) Ask about inclusion; 4) Apply it to your work; and 5) Take action by becoming a "Change Agent." The guide includes definitions of terms and offers key questions to consider when applying an equity and inclusion lens in the following: communications; engaging community, staff, and board;

  • The guide, videos, and tools within the Nonprofit Leadership Development Toolkit are designed to share stories, lessons, and immediately actionable next steps so that you can effectively work with your senior leadership team to develop the next generation of leaders for your organization. (The Bridgespan Group, 2013-2023)

  • This guide outlines the steps and stages of a well-conducted search for a new CEO or Executive Director, as experienced by BoardWalk Consulting, a national executive search firm that specializes in recruiting CEOs and senior leaders for nonprofits and foundations. (BoardWalk Consulting)


  • Start Planning Now: New Overtime Rules Will Take Effect on December 1, 2016

    The U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) new overtime regulations will mean that many more employees of North Carolina nonprofits will be entitled to overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours per week. These changes, which will take effect on December 1, 2016, will affect thousands of nonprofits in North Carolina.

  • The Status (and Future) of the Overtime Rule What Nonprofits Need to Know

    In November 2016, a judge from a federal court in Texas issued a temporary injunction that delayed the December 1 effective date for the new overtime rule from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). On December 1, 2016 DOL and the U.S.

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