
  • A small collection of sample job descriptions for defining the Executive Director position. See also this Bridgespan toolkit for further samples and this Free Management Library resource for an overview of roles and responsibilities.

  • PDF files provides a snapshot of the generations, their work styles, and some differences and similarities in leadership.

    Generational Differences in the Workplace [Infographic] (Perdue University)



  • The guide, videos, and tools within the Nonprofit Leadership Development Toolkit are designed to share stories, lessons, and immediately actionable next steps so that you can effectively work with your senior leadership team to develop the next generation of leaders for your organization. (The Bridgespan Group, 2013-2023)

  • Making high quality, affordable management assistance available and easily accessible for all nonprofits is and has always been the "core business" of Nonprofit Management Solutions. Management assistance in the form of consulting, training, board and staff leadership development, coaching and mentoring -- all represent leveraged investments, because they have the potential to build an organization's long-term capacity to carry out its mission.

  • This guide outlines the steps and stages of a well-conducted search for a new CEO or Executive Director, as experienced by BoardWalk Consulting, a national executive search firm that specializes in recruiting CEOs and senior leaders for nonprofits and foundations. (BoardWalk Consulting)


  • M. Zulayka Santiago, Foundation for Health Leadership & Innovation

  • Nonprofits attract bright, dedicated, and capable staff and volunteers. And many have the “Midas touch” for recruiting dynamic, well-respected, and effective board members. Despite all that resident talent, every organization needs outside help sometimes.  What experts do you need and how do you find them?

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits, www.ncnonprofits.org.


  • There are board chairs and there are great board chairs. Being a conscientious board member is in itself a challenging, time-consuming job. But becoming the chair of the board means a lot more responsibility (also available in Spanish).


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