
  • TechSoup is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a clear focus: connecting your nonprofit, charity, or public library with tech products and services, plus learning resources to make informed decisions about technology. Their free resources are available to all users.

  • Google Analytics offers valuable insights into your website visitors' activity to help you make informed decision on your communications, marketing, and engagement.

  • "If harnessed correctly, social media can be the perfect medium for any non-profit organization's volunteer recruitment arsenal. [...] Employing social media allows those recruiting to be proactive by opening new doors, enlarging the organization’s social network, and increasing the likelihood of onboarding new volunteers," writes Jerome Tennille.

  • The craft of direct mail fundraising grew out of what used to be called "direct mail marketing," best known to the general public as "junk mail" because all too often, it advertises goods or services the recipient has absolutely no interest in. Use these tactics to make an impact with your mail.

  • Today, editing digital footage in online apps or on a desktop computer is fast, easy, and affordable. If the built-in Video Editor in Windows 10 or iMovie in Apple products aren't sufficient, see these these articles for reviews of video editing tips and tools.

    Lists of Apps

  • Your employees are walking billboards for your organization 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The key to harnessing the positive press is to empower your employees so they’re minimarketers for your organization, whether they realize it or not. 

    Empower Your Employees to be Mini-Marketers

  • Many nonprofit organizations struggle with the concept of marketing themselves and their missions. It seems too sales-centric, too fueled by money. They ask, "Is it slimy to apply marketing to nonprofits?" Our answer: Definitely not. (Network for Good)

    7 Steps To Creating Your Best Nonprofit Marketing Plan Ever


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