
  • Sample job description for an Operations Manager.

  • While the emphasis of to role of vice president, finance and operations is finance, it includes responsibilities for managing a breadth of staff functions and requires an individual who is both strategic and tactical. Adapt this sample job description for your organization. (The Bridgespan Group)


  • "Setting up an office phone system is deceptively complicated. While we're all familiar with phones, as soon as you want to support more than a couple of employees, you quickly enter a baffling realm of acronyms and options. [...] Phone systems shouldn't be exciting, just dependable."

  • Joan Garry was the keynote speaker at the Center's 2017 Conference for North Carolina's Nonprofits, Embracing Uncertainty, where she also presented the concurrent session, “How to Create a Five-Star Elevator Pitch.” In anticipation of her visit to North Carolina, she shared a few thoughts with the Center.

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