
  • A volunteer handbook, like employee handbooks and training manuals in businesses, seeks to inform, educate, and support volunteers. They can also help protect your volunteers, clients, and organization from unintended harm by establishing rules for appropriate conduct.

  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    In the best of times, organizations will identify and implement best practices for human resources and personnel management. These practices evolve and adapt to meet the needs of the nonprofit as it builds, thrives, and sustains itself over time. Following these practices helps nonprofits offer our employees and volunteers an optimal working environment.

  • Marie-Line Germain, HR Consulting Initiative

    Through the HR Consulting Initiative at Western Carolina University, some of our nonprofit clients (including Center Members) have sought advice on how to recruit employees more effectively. To recruit (and to fundraise), Artificial Intelligence has proven to be effective.

  • Lisa Finaldi, North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation

    Ask a three-year-old what she wants to be when she grows up, and the answer is just as likely to be superhero or mermaid as veterinarian or engineer. 

    But inside that preschooler’s brain, a foundation is being built that will play a large role in determining her future school and career success. That’s because during a child’s earliest years, his or her experiences are built into the body, shaping the architecture of the brain and creating the foundation for future learning and health. 

  • This article explores succession planning for nonprofit leaders other than the CEO. Eureka moments often occur during our consulting engagements when nonprofit teams realize the CEO is one of many individuals whose departure could cause ‘transition trauma.’ Read on for inspiration for establishing a non-CEO succession planning process. (Nonprofit Risk Management Center)

  • Containing sensitive information such as identification papers and credentials, nonprofits' personnel records should be handled practically, legally, and securely.  Read this Common Ground article to learn what should and should not be in included in your personnel records.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,

  • Trust, But Verify: Why Volunteer Screening is So Important - In case you’re still not sold on the concept of screening volunteers, here are specific reasons about why you should. In a nutshell, it all comes down to managing risk for your organization. (GuideStar/Candid + Volunteer Hub)


  • The National Council of Nonprofits provides insight on an important question: "Interns: Employee or Volunteer?" to help you manage and conduct your nonprofit's internships.

  • Appropriate document retention is important for a nonprofit's compliance with state and federal law, while balancing the need for managing storage space (both physical and digital). A clear policy for staff can prevent the innocent destruction or disposal of documents.

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