
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation's 2017 Step-by-Step Guide to Evaluation: How to Become Savvy Evaluation Consumers provides a framework for evaluation as a useful program tool for grantees, nonprofits, and community leaders. "The original handbook provides a framework for thinking about evaluation as a relevant and useful program tool.

  • Some organizations are reluctant to start the planning process because of vague fears about where it might lead and what it might entail. Defeat the Planning Dreads demystifies common concerns and illuminates the benefits planning can bring.

    Common Ground is a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits.

  • The gaps in employee skills that employers talk about the most are not technical, math, or reading problems. Instead, employers’ top concern is the lack of soft skills needed for success in almost every role. Soft skills such as planning, resolving conflicts, and handling change are just a few skills that employers are looking for in quality employees.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the N.C. Center for Nonprofits,


  • Critical to succession planning and organizational resilience are systems that support skills development for board and staff. Presented here are the elements of a robust talent development culture. (CompassPoint)


  • Without meaning to, many nonprofits put their boards on imaginary pedestals, which leaves many employees — especially new employees — unsure about how to approach board members. This compilation of FAQs helps explain the intricacies (and the benefits) of the board–staff partnership. (BoardSource)

    Board-Staff Interaction: What’s Acceptable, What's Not? You Ask, We Answer


  • Whether you are just starting the communications planning process, checking in on a communications campaign already in progress, or interested in reviewing an effort you have already executed, the Smart Chart 3.0(TM) will help you assess your strategic decisions to ensure that your communications strategy delivers high impact. (Communications Leadership Institute)

    Smart Chart for Communications 3.0

  • Holding the chief executive accountable is a critical board role. BoardSource's Core Competencies of Nonprofit Chief Executives ensures both the board and CEO understand expectations and the chief executive is properly executing his/her core roles.

  • Annie E. Casey Foundation's 2008 "Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits" seeks to continue detoxifying the topic of nonprofit succession planning so that executives, boards, staff, and funders can take up these activities without unnecessary fear or concern and provides nonprofit boards and executive directors a framework for their own succession planning activities.

  • Start Planning Now: New Overtime Rules Will Take Effect on December 1, 2016

    The U.S. Department of Labor's (DOL) new overtime regulations will mean that many more employees of North Carolina nonprofits will be entitled to overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours per week. These changes, which will take effect on December 1, 2016, will affect thousands of nonprofits in North Carolina.

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