
  • This beginning level workshop offers participants an opportunity to delve into fundamental issues associated with contract management and administration in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit attorney, Kristy Cook of Mod Law Firm, brings her near decade experience in nonprofit law and management to this session with the goal of teaching nonprofit attendees to: 

  • The Workforce Re-Entry Toolkit (UST) provides helpful checklists, letter templates, sample policies, and response plans designed to help nonprofit leaders prepare to re-enter the workplace. It also includes an on-demand webinar with tips for welcoming employees back to the office while maintaining compliance with state and federal COVID-19 regulations.

    Workforce Re-Entry Toolkit:

  • The CHS Alliance's 2015 HR Audit Handbook is "designed to assess the effectiveness of an organization’s human resources and people management policies and practices. Going through a HR audit enables the organization to identify areas for improvement and priority actions.

  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    In the best of times, organizations will identify and implement best practices for human resources and personnel management. These practices evolve and adapt to meet the needs of the nonprofit as it builds, thrives, and sustains itself over time. Following these practices helps nonprofits offer our employees and volunteers an optimal working environment.

  • Whistleblower Protections in the Nonprofit Sector: To help ensure an open and ethical workplace, nonprofits can take a cue from the whistleblower provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

  • Who’s responsible for which kinds of oversight? The Board of Directors has overall legal responsibility for the financial health of your nonprofit. Board members need to understand key financial information and policies, and it’s recommended that they look at the following reports at least quarterly: Fiscal year budget (with comparisons to actual expenditures/revenue). Profit and loss statement (including programs).
  • Personnel Policies Template - Use this Word file to shape your own organization's policies. Please note: The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits is providing this sample policy to serve as a starting point for your nonprofit's development of an appropriate policy for your organization.

  • "Nonprofit employers face a unique set of challenges. They are always trying to do more with less — fewer staff members, less support, less funding. A combination of these pressures can result in poor employment practices, even when one thinks they are doing 'the right thing.' Engaging in best practices with nonprofit employees will result in helping to decrease employee turnover and retain high performers. It will also help identify problem employees who might otherwise fly under the radar or be the low performing 'hot potato' that gets passed between departments."

  • Has your board asked itself: What does it say in the bylaws? Does anyone have a copy of the bylaws? I know I got one when I started on the board but...Here's an idea from Blue Avocado's Board Cafe: a Bylaws Cheat Sheet. 

  • Creating Nonprofit Policies - Policies are the operational guidelines for an organization. The purpose of the policies is to protect and steer the staff and the board as they fulfill the mission of the organization. They are a reference tool for appropriate action, ethical decision making, and for dealing with potential or actual conflicts. Policies can paraphrase a law, explain a procedure, clarify a principle, or express a desired goal.

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