
  • Lisa Hazirjian, Ph.D., Win Together Consulting

    What if elections were decided by voters who believe in your nonprofit’s mission and share your organization’s core values?

  • Kathy Ridge, Founder and CEO, LevRidge Resources, LLC

    We now know a single vaccine will not instantly obliterate the COVID virus. Instead, we must depend on personal behaviors, along with contact tracing and vaccines, to decrease infection rates. As organizations face an unknown future, how do we plan, prepare, and organize for the ‘lost horizon’ that is 2021 and the post-virus world?

    You don’t need a new strategic plan – you need a short-term business plan based on what you do know to get through the next 18 months and develop more resiliency.

  • Last updated 9/17/2020

    Jaime Campbell, CPA, Tier One Services, LLC

    Auditing is an information service. As such, many forward-thinking auditors have already been working virtually for years, as evidenced by their vacation photos posted on Facebook while they were conducting “analytical procedures” from their laptops, which they bring with them everywhere, including the bathroom.

  • Adapted with permission from Your All-In-One Guide to Improving Your Security Posture, MDcentric Technologies.

  • Jaime Campbell, Tier One Services, LLC and Mig Murphy Sistrom, Mig Murphy Sistrom, CPA, PC

    We are both CPAs and accounting firm owners, committed to serving the nonprofit sector. We welcome this opportunity to share our observations and advice on how the pandemic has affected the accounting work of nonprofits. Since we are both committed to centering racial equity in our work, we have applied an equity lens to these topics.

  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

  • Jeanne Tedrow, President & CEO, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    How do we develop operational practices in the area of program design, management, and evaluation that incorporates equity and cultural sensitivity to those we seek to serve? In building our organizations, are we looking through an asset-based lens to design programs? How we view the community we serve and those who will receive our services influences our program design and subsequent management and evaluation of those services. 

  • “If you fail to act now, history will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." – Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Over 60 years have passed since Dr. King made this “Plea to the White Community,” yet his words have astounding relevance today. How far have we (not) come? Have we been too silent?   

  • The news of Andrea Harris’ death spread quickly and widely. Born in 1948 she passed over on May 20, 2020. In the days since she died, her life is being celebrated by so many - personal friends, professional colleagues and a loving family. I join with all those who have expressed their love and admiration to add mine.

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