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Microsoft Excel Essentials for Nonprofits: A Two-Part Series

Do you use spreadsheets to manage or track your donors, volunteers, programs, clients, budgets and more? Supercharge your Excel proficiency in our engaging two-part webinar series tailored for nonprofits.

Do you use Google Sheets? You are also invited and will find plenty of valuable insights!

With live demos and practical examples, you'll learn ways to save time and enhance your reporting capabilities. Don't miss out on this opportunity to improve your Excel skills and make an even bigger impact.

August 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm: Organizing and Editing Data

In the first session, we'll show you how to organize and edit your data. You'll learn the best ways to structure your data for clarity and accessibility, followed by guidance on editing techniques to ensure accuracy and consistency. Whether you're a beginner or at an intermediate level, these tips and tricks will make your data management a breeze.

August 29, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm: Leveraging Advanced Features

Dive into the second session to discover advanced Excel techniques that will elevate your data analysis and reporting. We'll explore the power of pivot tables for summarizing large datasets and master the VLOOKUP function to efficiently search and retrieve data across your spreadsheets. Plus, you'll learn to create stunning charts and graphs to visualize your data effectively.

Apparo's webinars are free, but require registration. Webinars will be recorded and shared for later viewing to those who registered.


Mike Halsema, Founder, Med Practice Insights

From the Presenter:

Over my 25-year career in healthcare, I've witnessed remarkable advancements in technology that have significantly enhanced the lives of both patients and healthcare professionals. Recognizing the ongoing need for increased efficiency, I founded Med Practice Insights to further contribute to the evolution of healthcare through innovative solutions. I began my career as a front-line Hospital Corpsman in the Navy, serving as a medic to an infantry platoon. In an era before electronic health records, I witnessed the challenges of paper-based record-keeping, leading me to recognize the potential of technology to enhance healthcare efficiency. Post-Navy, I worked in an orthopedic clinic where a rudimentary EHR system marked a significant improvement over paper charting. Simultaneously pursuing a degree in computer information systems, I became passionate about working with EHRs. Motivated to deepen my data focus, I pursued a Master of Science in Business Analytics at Georgetown University. This program equipped me with insights from various industries, inspiring a renewed commitment to bring much-needed support to private medical organizations through data and existing technology.