S - Community Improvement & Capacity Building

  • Swiss Bear facilitates development of the greater downtown area through leadership and planning that empowers community stakeholders to promote and enhance New Bern’s unique cultural and natural resources.

  • To cultivate opportnities, assets and communities that support the alleviation of homelessness and poverty. CEF provides matched savings accounts, micro-loans, and financial education to assist families insustaing transition out of homelessness.

  • To cultivate relationships with children and families in Southwest Raleigh and expand their access to economic and academic advancement opportunities through direct services and community partnerships.

  • To manage and program performing arts facilities.

  • El Centro Hispano works to strengthen the community, build bridges, and advocate for equity and inclusion.

  • To help nonprofits use technology to better serve their communitites.

  • To promote voluntarism and to improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

  • Wake County Smart Start (WCSS) works to build the capacity
    of families and the community to prepare children for
    success in school and in life.

  • To bring the people and resources of Gaston County together to address our county's most pressing needs: through the principles and best practices of collaboration, partnership and facilitation.

  • To preserve historic Duke Mansion and to operate the Lee Institute.

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