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Design for Deeper Learning - A 3-Part Series

You create a workshop or webinar because people need help doing something. You put a lot of work into delivering these workshops. You want to be sure that the diverse people in the room learn and can take action on what they learned. You want their feedback to further strengthen the learningfulness of your trainings. What a virtuous cycle – they learn, you learn, and they learn more!

Design for Deeper Learning series focuses on how we design for deeper learning. Experts share their unique knowledge, tools, and perspectives with people who deliver workshops, webinars, or conference sessions within the social sector. These sessions are also relevant if you hire speakers or plan learning events. You will complete the series with actionable next steps and tools to support your success.

All sessions will be recorded. All registrants will receive the recordings and have access for 3 months. If you are unable to attend the session, we encourage you to register anyway so you receive all of the related materials. Because the sessions will be recorded, we do not offer refunds.


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Center Members save 10% with code NCCN10


A Recipe for More Effective, Engaging Training Design

Presenter: Brian Washburn

September 26, 2023 | 3:00 - 4:30 Eastern

How can we maximize the possibility that someone will not just learn but also use something you tell or show during a training session? How do we increase engagement so they are ready to transfer what they learn into what they do next? In this 90-minute virtual session, Brian Washburn will share a 4-step model that can be used to help give structure to every training session you'll ever develop. He'll provide specific examples of activities useful both in-person and online that can be strung together to generate effective, engaging training sessions that increase the likelihood that your learners will relate to, remember, and use your training content. You will leave the class with an expanded toolbox of activities and ideas on how you will use one or two of these activities in your next learning event.

Everyone who attends this session will receive a copy of Brian's ebook: Endurance Learning's Training Activity Cookbook, which offers 63 different activities that can be put together to create 42,000 different combinations of learning experiences.


Performance-Focused Learning Evaluation

Presenter: Will Thalheimer, PhD

October 24, 2023 | 3:00 - 4:30 PM Eastern

Do you know they learned?
Do you know they took action based on what they learned?

We want to know what our training participants think about our training or trainer, and so we ask them to complete a survey at the end of a workshop or webinar. We ask what worked and what didn’t. On a scale of 1 to 5, how much did you learn? Hold on....

Join us as learner survey expert Will Thalheimer, PhD shares a research-based approach to learner evaluation. This encompasses how we survey learners, gather meaningful data, and report results with clarity. In this session, you will learn about the Learning Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM) that can guide you to move your evaluation deeper into the realm of learning and learning transfer. As you know, it isn’t enough to measure attendance or how they liked the activities. We want to aim for what is different because of the learning. 

Building on the foundation of LTEM, you will learn about a research-approach to learner surveys. You will hear why the Likert scale isn’t effective and what to use instead. By the end of the session, you will have practiced how to use an evaluation framework that will help you and your organization strengthen your learning programs.


Moon of the Dog Salmon: Trainer Lessons from the First Peoples Principles of Learning

Presenter: Jill La Pointe

November 14, 2023 | 3:00 - 4:30 PM Eastern

Indigenous Elders, scholars, and knowledge-keepers articulated nine learning principles to guide the development of curriculum and teaching in British Columbia, Canada. These First Peoples Principles of Learning identify common elements in the varied teaching and learning approaches that prevail within Indigenous societies. 

First Peoples Principles of Learning 
Developed by First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC)

  • Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.
  • Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).
  • Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one‘s actions.
  • Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities.
  • Learning recognizes the role of Indigenous knowledge.
  • Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.
  • Learning involves patience and time.
  • Learning requires exploration of one‘s identity.
  • Learning involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in certain situations.

What lessons do these principles hold for trainers or learning leaders working in nonprofit spaces? How might we apply these principles to create more inclusive and effective trainings? 

Join us for a conversation about the First Peoples Learning Principles, how they are experienced by Indigenous people, and what any teacher can learn from them. We will explore knowledge and knowing, the role of land and space in learning, the non-linearity of time, and storytelling as teaching, among other topics. You will gain a general appreciation for the Principles and leave with concrete steps to take as you design effective, inclusive learning experiences for whatever community you serve. 

In Coast Salish culture, the month of November brings the Moon of the Dog Salmon, a time when salmon continue to be fished, shellfish are harvested, and the last of the bracken ferns roots and camas bulbs are harvested. There is also hunting for waterfowl and game. We used this term for this conversation because it reminds us that the time of year matters as we think about learning and growing.


Register now!

Center Members save 10% with code NCCN10

Individual Session - $70
Full Series - $160