Advocacy & Civic Engagement

Resources related to political advocacy and lobbying activities.
  • This guide offers clarification on how the FLSA generally, and the white collar exemptions specifically, apply to the nonprofit sector. (U.S. Department of Labor)

    See also: Breaking down your nonprofit's obligation to pay overtime by National Council of Nonprofits


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  • An ages-old artform, storytelling is a powerful way to capture your audience's attention, whether they're donors, potential donors, grantmakers, media, policymakers, or prospective volunteers. Communications consultant, trainer, and speaker Andy Goodman offers ten "laws," or must-haves for good storytelling.

  • A comprehensive advocacy strategy includes communications with government officials, the public, and the media. Develop your nonprofit's media advocacy plan by using this checklist.

    © North Carolina Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Inc. From Common Ground, a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits,


  • Use this Lobbying Tracking template to aid in tracking your nonprofit's lobbying expenses.

    Other example lobbying timesheets are available from Bolder Advocacy, including timesheets for 501(c)(3) organizations that have an affiliated 501(c)(4) entity.


  • The Internal Revenue Service released formal guidance related to nonprofit political activities in "Revenue Ruling 2007-41,' which describes 21 real-life scenarios. It is particularly useful for when nonprofits consider election-related programs and activities, since failure to comply may put at risk a nonprofit organization's tax-exempt status. (IRS)

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  • David Heinen, Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    May 5, 2017

  • David Heinen, Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy, North Carolina Center for Nonprofits

    Earlier this year, the Center organized a series of Nonprofit Town Hall meetings around the state. These meetings – in Fayetteville, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Jacksonville, Research Triangle Park, and Asheville – gave nonprofits an opportunity to connect with elected officials, learn about nonprofit sector trends and policy issues, and share their concerns about how the current political climate may affect their organizations.

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