Financial Management

  • The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits went through the process to select and contract with an expert practitioner on equity, diversity, and inclusion to facilitate our organization's internal equity work.

  • Even with a clear fundraising plan in place, nonprofits sometimes can find themselves temporarily short of cash, due to unforeseen circumstances like disasters or delays in payments. The Foundation Center does not provide grants, recommend specific funders, or approach them on your behalf, but they can point you to resources to find possible funders and useful advice. (Grantspace)

  • Who’s responsible for which kinds of oversight? The Board of Directors has overall legal responsibility for the financial health of your nonprofit. Board members need to understand key financial information and policies, and it’s recommended that they look at the following reports at least quarterly: Fiscal year budget (with comparisons to actual expenditures/revenue). Profit and loss statement (including programs).
  • Planning to start an endowment? Read this series of articles by Kim Klein for Grassroots Fundraising Journal to find answers to your questions about whether it is appropriate for your situation and how to best go about establishing an endowment.

  • Your Form 990 asks whether a nonprofit has a "gift acceptance policy" that requires the review of any "non-standard gifts" (gifts other than cash or check). Additionally, a written gift acceptance policy can help manage the expectations of donors, (while treating them with respect) and also serve as guidance for board and staff members who are either on the asking, or receiving, end of contributions.

  • Ethical standards and principles are the foundation for maintaining public trust in your organization and the nonprofit sector as a whole. The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) first published its code of ethical standards for fundraising professionals in 1964, and "believes that ethical behavior fosters the development and growth of fundraising professionals and the fundraising profession, and enhances philanthropy and volunteerism."

  • In a meeting of the National Association of State Charity Officials (NASCO), the National Council of Nonprofits heard directly from a panel of regulators about what conduct can spook state charity regulators into conducting investigations of charitable nonprofits. This resource provides valuable reminders of how nonprofits can maintain their tax-exempt status through fastidious legal compliance.

  • Presented at a Center conference by Robin Barefoot (Triangle Community Foundation) and Douglas Benson (Foundation For The Carolinas), this workshop relays the importance of planned giving and questions you should ask to assess your organization's readiness.


  • Lee Painter, principal at CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, presented this webinar to help your organization identify cybersecurity trends and tactics hackers are using, recognize common email phishing attacks and information security weaknesses, and outline strategies to mitigate risks related to phishing, ransomware, and other costly data breaches.

    Watch now!

  • Financial Management - Basic principles of nonprofit financial management for nonprofit boards illustrated by the National Council of Nonprofits.

    (Recursos similares disponibles en español.)


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