Financial Management

  • An emergency action plan (EAP) is usually a written document required by particular OSHA standards. For smaller organizations, the plan does not need to be written and may be communicated orally if there are 10 or fewer employees. [29 CFR 1910.38(b)]. (OSHA)

  • Discusses overtime pay and includes examples for non-exempt employees. (United States Department of Labor)

    Computing Overtime Pay

  • The Foundation Center offers Spanish language videos on:

    Introducción a la redacción de la propuesta (Introduction to Proposal Writing): Aprenda sobre los componentes claves de una propuesta a fundaciones y corporaciones.

  • (formerly The Foundation Center/Grantspace) offers Spanish language videos on:

    Principios de la planificación para la procuración de fondos (Introduction to Fundraising Planning): Aprenda el proceso básico de planificación para lograr diversificar las fuentes de apoyo financiero de su organización.

  • Severance Pay Policy July 2014 Society for Human Resource Management

    Practice Note

  • Today's environment for nonprofits is full of tempting traps that can take the organization off its core mission. Learn about the top ten traps and how to avoid them. (North Carolina Center for Nonprofits)

  • For many nonprofits, closing down or going out of business is the unthinkable. There may be a crisis or serious warning signs or simply a lack of energy in the organization. Whatever the long-term causes may be, it's time to look at the options (Blue Avocado).

  • Why Boards Don't Govern, Part 1 by CompassPoint Nonprofit Services: "In the aftermath of every “nonprofit mismanagement” news story is the question:  Why didn’t the board do something?  Yet the boards of the nonprofits recently headlined with scandals did not do any less than most nonprofit boards.  The reality is that most nonprofit boards are ineffective in their governing function.  Only when gross mismanagement occurs does a failure at governance come to the fore."&nbs

  • In Why Boards Don't Govern, Part 2 (CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, 2006), Jan Masaoka and Mike Allison advocate for board to receive at least part of their information from someone else besides the Executive Director, how to improve board meetings, encourage question asking, and qualities to look for when recruiting. See also Part 1 of the Board Café series on Why Boards Don't Govern.

  • Some organizations are reluctant to start the planning process because of vague fears about where it might lead and what it might entail. Defeat the Planning Dreads demystifies common concerns and illuminates the benefits planning can bring.

    Common Ground is a publication of the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits.

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