Financial Management

  • Candid (formerly GrantSpace) outlines the process and steps to create a business plan, which can help a nonprofit organization describe how it intends to implement its mission and achieve its set of goals. Additionally, the National Council for Nonprofits offers administration guides about Business Planning for Nonprofits.

  • The National Council of Nonprofits provides details on the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program, including why it matters, who is eligible, program status, additional resources, and recent news.

  • Nonprofits compete with for-profit workplaces for talented workers, so setting the right level of compensation can make the difference between attracting and retaining qualified employees or, in contrast, suffering from high turnover and/or not being able to find the hoped-for caliber of employees. (National Council of Nonprofits) 

    Compensation For Nonprofit Employees

  • When questions about a nonprofit leader’s exceptionally high salary make the front page of the paper, we wince. A single nonprofit is being criticized for being an outlier, but it feels as if all charitable nonprofits and their values are being questioned.

  • Worker's compensation in mandated by each state and covers expenses an employer is required to pay for injuries or illness an employee suffers at work. Under requirements by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act, any incorporated nonprofit with three or more employees and/or corporate officers (includes officers on nonprofit boards, even though they are unpaid, and subcontractors without their own coverage) is required to provide workers' compensation coverage.

  • One of the most rewarding things about serving as a nonprofit board member is the opportunity it affords to help create positive change. This resource from BoardSource–11 Key Ingredients of Growth–presents 11 ingredients Billy Shore, founder and chief executive officer of Share Our Strength, identified as key to Share Our Strength’s growth and success during a difficult economic period. These ingredients include:

  • The M Word: A Board Member's Guide to Mergers from CompassPoint is a practical guide to help nonprofit board members, executives, and funders think through a merger. Offering a rough guide to expectations, processes, and obstacles often encountered in a merger experience, it can help an organization determine if a merger is the right choice for its own situation.

  • Social enterprise is about using a market-driven business model to address key social and environmental issues. Often, nonprofits apply ideas and practices from social entrepreneurship to advance their missions. The Free Management Library's resources on Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship offers definitions, examples, resources, and trends on the field and related topics.

  • The Small Business Center Network (SBCN) offers programs, services, and resources to start and grow a business or nonprofit organization - including guiding you through the steps of considering, planning, developing, opening, and operating the organization. Small Business Centers are located at each of NC's 58 community colleges.

  • Total cost of ownership (TOC) over the lifecycle of IT projects like buying new software can be a very tricky thing to calculate. This is especially due to a project's costs going beyond tangible aspects of installing new software and into common implementation challenges such as staff adoption of the technology.

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