
  • This Nonprofit Learning Lab resource entitled, Creating & Sustaining a Major Gifts Fundraising Campaign, details how to build a donor pipeline and identify major gift prospects; how to cultivate donors for major gifts and “make the ask"; and offers appropriate stewardship steps to take once a donor has made a major gift.

  • This Nonprofit Learning Lab* resource entitled, Creating a Fundraising Plan: Step-by-Step Guidebook, offers an in depth review of the process to create a fundraising plan, fundraising strategies, details on how to draft a plan and sample templates. This guidebook also includes activities and worksheets to help staff, board members, and fundraising committee members with developing their fundraising plan. 



  • This Nonprofit Learning Lab resource entitled, Creating a Case Statement: Step-by-Step Guidebook, describes the purpose, development and essential elements of a case statement. This guidebook includes activities and worksheets to help executive leadership, board members, key volunteers and staff with developing their case statement's core content. 

  • While nonprofits know their fundraising will be impacted by COVID-19, many are not sure how to respond. The pandemic comes during a time when many nonprofits had ramped up their fundraising efforts to cash in on the record levels of charitable giving. Worst still, is if their fundraising was based on events that are now off limits due to social distancing.

  • The pandemic has reshaped your fundraising strategy, whether you have been actively fundraising during the past few months or you need to start getting back up to speed. As North Carolina reopens in phases, nonprofits are taking a similar phased approach to their fundraising activities. Join Mary Moss, Kim Glenn, and Jeanne Murray from moss+ross llc for an interactive discussion with tips and examples that will help you reboot your fundraising in phases.

    Watch now!

  • COVID-19 is not going away quickly. Some form of social distancing will likely be with us through at least year-end. How can your organization adapt to this new reality and not only survive but thrive in 2020, emerging stronger with more capacity to act on your mission and raise the revenue you need? This training is especially appropriate for executive teams.

    Watch now!

  • COVID-19 has upended all of our carefully constructed strategies and plans for 2020. As nonprofit leaders, the critical and unprecedented task before us is to ensure that we are continuing to fulfill our missions by:

  • "It is always possible to donate retirement assets, including IRAs, 401(k)s and 403(b)s, by cashing them out, paying the income tax attributable to the distribution and then contributing the proceeds to charity. In many cases, though, there is little to no tax benefit associated with this type of donation. However, a direct contribution of retirement assets to charity as part of an estate planning strategy can be very tax efficient.

  • Creating an Effective Fundraising Plan offers guidance through crafting and understanding a fundraising plan for your organization (CompassPoint, 2016). It specifically covers:

  • With the number of donors on the decline, many nonprofits increasingly rely on a smaller and more affluent circle of supporters to meet their fundraising goals. The importance and influence of high net worth donors has never been more significant.

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