
  • Just as we use a compass or GPS to show us where we are and where we want to go, the public values of liberty, equality, community, and prosperity can illuminate our positions and guide our decision making as we envision and navigate toward our community’s future.

  • This session offers an opportunity for conference participants to hear insights from business leaders about trends and issues in supporting North Carolina’s nonprofit sector. Topics may include: opportunities and issues in supporting nonprofits during the pandemic; equity and inclusion; business and nonprofit opportunities and partnerships; sponsorship changes in these virtual times; the future of business support for nonprofits.

  • You’ve grown your legacy program, you have an impressive pipeline of donors interested and considering leaving a legacy gift to your wonderful organization and now comes the big moment: THE ASK! 

    There is a big misconception that soliciting for a legacy gift is the same as asking for a major gift. Nothing could be further from the truth. While there are some similarities, the approach, lead up, and what happens next is quite different.

  • This program is designed to strengthen the financial resilience of nonprofit organizations in North Carolina. Intended for both funders and nonprofit leaders, the program will begin with an introduction to the concept of “full cost” funding and budgeting as strategies to support nonprofit financial health. Full cost goes beyond programmatic budgeting to include things like having working capital to pay bills on time and having reserves to manage risks or opportunities.

  • Alyson Stoffer, Director of Development, TLC and President, AFP Triangle

    Eight months ago, I became a new director of development. The timing was great. I had a month and a half under my belt at the beginning of a pandemic where the next days and months were certain and manageable. Just in time to start putting together my first budget, inclusive of what to do about our organization’s largest source of philanthropic dollars: in-person events. Everything was fine.

  • Has your organization emerged from the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis with its funding sources intact? Have you received feedback that your results are unclear or not meaningful? Presenter Andy Coe with Convergent Nonprofit Solutions will provide steps to move towards sustainable, ROI-driven investment, including:

    Understanding the donor vs. investor difference Identifying your most fundable outcomes How to pivot your fundraising efforts for success

    Watch now!

  • Planned giving programs can be a sustainable long-term component of your nonprofit's fundraising strategy. But with a confusing array of jargon – charitable gift annuities (CGAs), charitable remainder annuity trusts (CRATs), actuarial determination, and so on – knowing where to start is daunting. Below are resources explaining the types of planned giving programs, how to market planned giving, and sample appeal letters to get your organization on the path to fundraising for the long-term.


    Start a Planned Giving Program

  • The Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) is a national nonprofit with offices across the US which offers educational materials on nonprofit financial management. Their Fundamentals for Nonprofits offers a wealth of templates, workbooks, and self-assessment tools.

  • This webinar is designed for the nonprofit leader who is committed to the needs of their community and is searching for ways to take their organization to the next level. Using tried and true strategies, you will learn alternative ways to generate revenue for your organization without writing grants. These strategies will help create clarity and long-term sustainability so your organization can easily fulfill its mission. In this process, you will learn the nonprofit entrepreneurial mindset (NEM).

  • Nonprofit leaders often tout their own accomplishments and capabilities and those of the teams and organizations they lead. Rarely do they openly share their lessons learned, especially since many of them come from failures and setbacks – painful experiences that they try to keep hidden from public view, and even from themselves.

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