
  • Fiscal Sponsorship: An Overview is a video in the Nonprofit Accounting Basics educational webinar series, where D.C. attorney Benjamin Takis discusses nonprofit fiscal sponsorship arrangements, including best practices (e.g. the "Model C" or Pre-Approved Grant Relationship) and pitfalls to avoid (e.g. earmarking). (Nonprofit Accounting Basics, 2016-2020)



  • New Attitudes, Old Practices: The Provision of Multiyear General Operating Support makes the case that "multiyear general operating support (GOS) provides nonprofits with the flexibility to use funds to fulfill their missions and the ability to plan for the long-term sustainability of their organizations, programs, and services" and should become a standard grantmaking practice.

  • How the Board Can Support Legacy Giving is a free, one-hour webinar from January 2021 by the software company Boardable. It covers why legacy giving can be important to an organization, why board members are key to the program's sustainability, and how to engage your board in establishing a legacy giving program. 

  • The software company, Boardable, offers many free ebooks and webinars on board governance, recruitment, and engagement. Their selection of titles includes:

    Board Recruitment

  • Seeing is Believing: A Guide to Visual Storytelling Best Practices provides tips on harnessing the power of images and other visual mediums to tell your nonprofit's story.

  • Nonprofit gift acceptance policies set forth the what, who, when, how, and where for receiving different types of gifts. Creating and maintaining gift acceptance policies is not only good governance but also allows your organization to think through and outline the advantages and disadvantages of different donor scenarios.

  • “Internal controls” are financial management practices that serve as a "checks and balances" to avoid the misuse and misappropriation of assets. National Council of Nonprofit's Internal Controls for Nonprofits provides:

  • Recurring gifts (sustainers, monthly donors) are game changers and provide organizations with ongoing revenue for years to come. In this session, you’ll learn how to implement and grow a monthly donor program using channels and systems you already have in place.

  • Why do people contribute to a cause? Because their passion for making a difference has been ignited! You can help trigger a donor’s passion for your cause through the fundamentals of storytelling. Whether you’re telling the story through a grant proposal, a video message, a radio announcement, or one-on-one, you can use storytelling structure to help your donor see their role in making your mission a success.

    Watch now!

  • A good ask is a work of art that anyone can master. In this session, you’ll learn the tactics of a successful solicitation – in person or virtually. Working in small teams, participants will role play with real-life donor scenarios, developing a solicitation script and gift proposal, making the ask, dealing with objections, and following up the ask. This session will also cover the solicitation outline, ideal ask amount, and follow-up donor stewardship that can lead to additional and larger gifts.

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