
  • The Small Nonprofit is a podcast created by CharityVillage and The Good Partnership, which "gives you down-to-earth, practical and actionable expert guidance on how to run a small nonprofit. From leadership and law to fundraising and finance, we've got you covered. Forget comparing your organization to the big shops, we’re creating a community of nonprofit leaders who are going to change the world, one small nonprofit at a time."


  • The NonProfit Voice podcast is "the go-to source for nonprofit management strategy and tactics. Developed for thought leaders and innovators, we cover topics like fundraising, donor management, human resources, board / volunteer management, and marketing technology."



  • The Nonprofit Overhead Toolkit by the California Association of Nonprofits gives a thorough crash course on the conversation around attempts to shift the overhead paradigm. The toolkit covers accounting techniques, overhead and profitability, indirect costs in government contracts, indirect costs and foundation grants, raising the issue with your funders, and messaging to the public about overhead.


  • Choosing a Corporate Philanthropy Approach: A Comparison of Corporate Philanthropy Structures - "This resource provides an overview of important topics and distinctions among the three primary forms of corporate philanthropy: corporate giving programs, corporate foundations, and corporate donor advised funds." Although written for an audience of corporations seeking to establish charitable giving structures, this chart is insightful for nonprofit professionals to identify the

  • A fiscal sponsor is a nonprofit organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to help build the capacity of charitable projects. For further explanation, see: What is fiscal sponsorship?

  • First Day is a podcast from Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy aimed at development profressionals. "Highlighting current news and research, this weekly 10 minute podcast provides fundraisers with the latest information in fundraising and philanthropy."


  • Hosted by David Oaks, the Minor Touches To Major Gifts podcast is a discussion of how paying attention to minor touches leads to major gifts for your nonprofit. "Listen to nonprofit leaders and their greatest allies in the business world talk about how pursuing excellence and giving attention to the smallest of details can result in your nonprofit getting all the money it needs!"

    David and his guests cover topics such as:

  • "The Nonprofit Jenni Show is a podcast for nonprofit professionals, board members, and community leaders. Every week, Jenni (a charitable marketing coach) invites nonprofit leaders to share their stories and advice for facing common management, marketing, and development challenges."


  • The Fundraising Talent Podcast has over 200 episodes "asking our profession's most difficult questions" and is hosted by Jason Lewis, CFRE & AFP Master Trainer. Some podcast episodes are also availalbe on the YouTube channel Responsive Fundraising.

  • In The Harvard 100's "How to Take Care and Feed Your Nonprofit's Donor/Investor Base," Matt Cronlund and Chuck ReCorr discuss donor networking ideas to sew the seeds for future fundraising, what major donors want to hear in appeals, and results donors/investors wish to see as an outcome of their charitable contributions.


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