Human Resources

  • Telework has been a reality for many nonprofits for quite some time. But until recently, remote workers comprised a small percentage of the workforce. In today’s world, the ability to mobilize a larger remote workforce is a key part of keeping a nonprofit up and running during a crisis. This webinar offers practical tips to inspire and build trust and meaningful connections among teams that are meeting online or by phone.

  • Marie-Line Germain, HR Consulting Initiative

    Through the HR Consulting Initiative at Western Carolina University, some of our nonprofit clients (including Center Members) have sought advice on how to recruit employees more effectively. To recruit (and to fundraise), Artificial Intelligence has proven to be effective.

  • Lisa Finaldi, North Carolina Early Childhood Foundation

    Ask a three-year-old what she wants to be when she grows up, and the answer is just as likely to be superhero or mermaid as veterinarian or engineer. 

    But inside that preschooler’s brain, a foundation is being built that will play a large role in determining her future school and career success. That’s because during a child’s earliest years, his or her experiences are built into the body, shaping the architecture of the brain and creating the foundation for future learning and health. 

  • The Successful Nonprofits podcast has a catalog of episodes that focus on a wide range of topics, including managing your board, maximizing use of technology, mitigating risk, nonprofit law, promoting diversity and inclusion, and so on. Each episode is a conversation with one nonprofit expert and the podcast is available for listening on multiple platforms.


  • Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Policy Template - This resource from Bloomerang is designed for small nonprofits in the arts, however this policy can be used as a starting point and modified to meet your organization's needs.

    See also: 6 Tips for Creating a Strong Diversity Statement


  • Start Planning Now (Again): What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About the (Latest) New FLSA Overtime Rule

    Updated: September 25, 2019

    Printable .pdf version

  • Model Transgender Employment Policy: Negotiating for Inclusive Workplaces (Transgender Law Center) clarifies the law and includes a sample policy that your organization can use as the basis for creating your own inclusive policy to ensure transgender, gender non-conforming, and transitioning employees feel safe and welcome in your workplace.

  • Whistleblower Protections in the Nonprofit Sector: To help ensure an open and ethical workplace, nonprofits can take a cue from the whistleblower provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

  • Disability is a social construct defining what is "normal" and what is not. For organizations already building an understanding of race, gender, and other social constructs and their consequences, this webinar offers a framework to help leaders consider disability in equity planning and identify ways their nonprofit can better include people with disabilities on its staff and board, and among its target population.

  • The Essential Guide to Managing Volunteers at Your Nonprofit gives a detailed overview of the main elements needed for any volunteer management program--the skills of a good volunteer coordinator, recruitment, interview questions, training, supervision and management, and showing appreciation. (VolunteerPro)

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